Saturday, February 10, 2007

Being a Korean adoptee

In my life, I have faced many situations that are very unique to me and my twin brother that are not faced by the people around us. Especially, since meeting my Korean father and interacting with more people in Korea, I have realized more and more about myself. Some things are good and some are not so good. I am still searching to find whatever I can. There isn't anything specific, but this is something that I am doing to discover who I am. Some days, I really question myself and what I am doing. Even though I am in my late 20's, I sometimes feel that my maturity isn't always at the same level. My career is just starting and I am taking a path that most people wouldn't even dream. I have issues that I am working on and trying to understand my how my values and beliefs have developed. Until this year, I haven't had much interaction with other Koreans and/or Korean adoptees. Prior to my arrival and now that I am living in Korea, I have been doing more research about Korea and other Korean adoptees. I found an article in the "Minnesota Monthly" that is quite interesting about the life as an adoptee. I recommend that you check it out. Some things in the article may seem anti-American, but I think that a lot of it applies to my life. I hope that it gives you a better understanding of Korea, history, the culture, and adoption.

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