Tuesday, October 9, 2007


This last weekend, I went to another wedding for a classmate from my Korean class. The two previous weddings that I attended were typical weddings. They took place at wedding halls with dinner afterwards.

This is last one was a little different. It was held at a church (of some sort). Afterwards, they took pictures inside and outside (group photo). Next, we went to a restaurant across the street for dinner. Usually, the wedding festivities end here, but instead the bride and groom invited us to a nearby bar. At the wedding, there was about 100+ guests and at the bar, it was the younger generation (25-40+). It was a lot of fun meeting different guests. Some were from Japan because my classmate is Japanese and married Korean guy. Most of the guests spoke Japanese or Korean only, but a few spoke English. At the bar, there was plenty of beer, soju, and snacks (fruit, soup, dried fish/squid). After drinking plenty, we went to a Noraebang (Karoake room). We sang some songs and drank some more. Koreans definitely like to drink a lot on any occasion, but it was a fun time, even if I had to work early the next day.

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