Thursday, January 22, 2009

Laptop PC/Health

Well, my laptop hard drive died for the 2nd time. This time it wasn't good. Data is supposedly irretrievable. So, I lost a bunch of data since I didn't back-up my HD lately. Oops. Once again, it will be expensive to replace, but cheaper than buying a new one. Still waiting to get it back and reload my data and programs, so not exactly sure how much I lost. Fortunately, I am not in school or doing any serious business work on it. I probably only lost some photos.

As for my health, I have been trying to be healthier by working out and watching my diet. So far, I have been working out for 3 months and in January, I have been working out 5 or 6 days a week. But, I have been stuck at a plateau, aka the same weight I was when I started working out. So, the scales are getting any relief.

Last week, I managed to sprain my ankle, which is quite normal. I don't know exactly how it happened, by my knee started hurting. Being a stubborn and afraid of Korean doctors, I have delayed visiting one until today. I got the address from a Korean colleague. I arrive and as usual, I get the oh-no, he can't speak Korean look. I managed to tell them what hurts.

I wait a few minutes and then see the doctor. He doesn't speak much English either, but he asks some questions and does a posture and knee check. Next, I wait to get an x-ray taken. The x-ray tech had some fun trying to get me into the right spots for the x-rays of my knee and spine. She seemed to take more x-rays than usual. The x-rays are digital so probably not that big of a deal.

After that, I go the doctor again. He says nothing is wrong with my knee, but many problems with my spine. The cervical part has no curve, the thoracic area is irregular and the lumbar/sacral doesn't have big enough gaps. Basically, I think that my back is totally screwed up. After telling me that, he gets me on a chiropractic table and cracks my neck and back. Then, he has an assistant come in to do more stuff. I think he studies some Chinese medicine because he has better luck speaking in Mandarin to me than in English or Korean. My Mandarin is really rusty and bad, but I managed to understand some of the things he said. He had me raise my knee and extend my leg, while he poked his hands into my stomach in different spots. I am not exactly sure what it was supposed to do, but it was pretty painful.

Then, the doctor came back and curled me up in a ball on my side and tried to do something, but it seemed like it only stretched me out of shape. Again, I go back to the assistant for more chiropractic stuff.

Next, I was told that I will need to take some medicine, do some physical therapy, and get a shot in the a$$. So, I went into another room and a nurse told me to lower my pants a little so she can give me a shot. YEP, my first shot in my bum (Korea still likes to give shots in the hip/buttock area).

Finally, I get sent to the physically therapy room. First, they have me put a hot pack on my knee and back. Next, they do some electro-stimulation therapy. Last, they do some air-compression sock-type thing to relax my lower leg muscles.

At the end, all of this cost me 62,000 Won (approx. $40) and took about 2 hours. Medicine is cheap compared to the US, where I would guess my day's treatment would be hundreds of dollars.

When I was finished, I went to a pharmacy to get my medicine. It was pills for 2 days to be taken 3 times a day. The pills were 1,800 Won ($1.20).

I will go back tomorrow for re-check. Results to be determined.

Hopefully, my health will improve and I can start losing some weight. For now, I just live with bad allergies, back, shoulder, ankle, knee, and hip pain on my left side. My right side seems to have far less problems.

Oh, a month or so ago, I got my 2nd wisdom tooth pulled. Unfortunately this time, I had to schedule it before work. I go to the dentist, she pulls it, but this time it wasn't so simple. She said that this one was more difficult and took some bone out. Unlike last time, she gives me a prescription for some pills. I go to work and take the medication, but it wasn't much fun when my mouth hurts and it is my job to speak to my students. I survived, but still unsure if I really want to go back to get the other 2 removed, which will be worse since they are on the bottom.

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