Tuesday, January 2, 2007


Sunday, December 31st

I went to church with Dr. Kim. I am starting remember many of the faces at church, but Korean names are still challenging me. If they have an English name or surname of Kim, Lee, or Park, I seem to be able to remember the person's name, but all others are forgotten. Dr. Kim translated again and I tried to follow along. After service, I ate lunch with the university students. They had a variety of majors and were 18-25 years old. It was quite interesting to have a conversation since most were quite shy when trying to speak in English.

During lunch, a man visited my table and gave me a gift. He thought that he should get something for me after listening to the sermon. While we were eating, he went to a bookstore. He bought me "A Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren (English version). I actually purchased the book in US from a recommendation from the CEO's wife of Alpha & Omega Semiconductor, Ltd in Shanghai, China. I read a few chapters in the book, but never kept up with the daily readings. I guess the Lord has chosen to give me another chance to finish the book. Even though I have been visiting or living in China/Korea where Christianity isn't as widespread, I have been placed within communities where Christianity is quite prevalent.

Monday, January 1st

I spent most of the day trying to prepare my syllabi and course outlines for my Basic Training and Power Training classes that I will start on Tuesday. What a challenge to figure out what I will do for a whole months worth of teaching from books that I have never used.

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