Saturday, January 6, 2007

First Week

Saturday, January 6th

Well, the first week of teaching is over. I tried to keep the lessons interesting, but it proved to be a challenge. With classes being two hours, it is difficult to keep the attention of the students for the whole time. Attendance is only so-so because January is winter break and most students have better things to do. A few students have already skipped a few classes, but I do have a few very dedicated students. I think that enrollment is set and I will have classes with 10, 11, and 3 students. Teaching is definitely more work than six hours of class time. If you consider preparation, waiting and subway, I am spending about 12+/weekday. It would definitely be easier if I lived closer to work like the other teachers. I would have a little more difficulty with some things because I would need to find housing.

Housing in Korea uses a very different system than the US. Many times apartments will need "Key" money for the apartment. This amounts to 3000-10,000 dollars. After, there is a small monthly payment. I guess that some apartments are available like in the US with a smaller deposit and larger monthly rent, but there are fewer options.

After work on Friday, Dr. Kim talked to me when I arrived home. He said that SWS contacted him. He said that the manager of SWS contacted my biological father. He still works as a public servant in Seoul. He is remarried and has a son. His son is completing his mandatory Army service (two years). Dr. Kim said that his wife doesn't know about Dave and I. Dr. Kim will call SWS and try to arrange a meeting for next Saturday. I am guessing that the meeting will be a one time chance, but a great opportunity.

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